- Our “Smartphone-Based Quantitative Analysis of Protein Array Signals for Biomarker Detection in Lupus” paper was published in Chemosensors, 2022.
- Aya Teymur joined the lab as a PhD student (2022), welcome Aya!
- Dr. Li Quan’s paper published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia (2022), congratulations!
- Chenling’s research paper published in Frontiers in Immunology (2022), congratulations!
- Undergraduate interns in the lab received scholarships: Fariz Nazir (2022, SURF; 2022 PURS)
Bao Le (2022 PURS), congratulations!
- Gongjun’s paper published in Frontiers in Immunology (2022), congratulations!
- Yaxi’s Paper published in Clinical and Translational Immunology (2022), congratulations!
- Yongning’s paper published in Chemosensors (2021), congratulations!
- Zuantao’s paper published in ACS Sensors (2021), congratulations!
- Dr. Wu received FY21 SCE grant!
- Yaxi successfully passed her PhD thesis defense (2021), congratulations!
- Bowen Yang joined the lab as a PhD student (2021), welcome Bowen!
- Shu Zhang and Chenling Tang have passed their PhD qualifying exams!
- Chenling Tang has joined the lab as a PhD student (2020), welcome Chenling !
- Dr. Li Quan’s two papers were recently published in Chem Comm and J Mol Structure, respectively, congratulations!
- Jinyi’s paper was published online in Proteomics Clinical Applications, congratulations!
- 08/2019, Shu Zhang, our new PhD student joined the lab. Welcome Shu!
- Dr. Wu selected as a 50in5 Scholar at the University of Houston (2018-2019).
- Dr. Wu received the FY2019 GEAR award at UH.
- 02/2019, Yikun Xing, our undergraduate research intern has been admitted for graduate school by Baylor College of Medicine. Congratulations! Yikun is a co-author of two peer-reviewed articles from our lab, and he is also a recipient of the Provost Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PURS).
- 01/2019, Yulin Yuan’s paper on novel autoantibodies in Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) was published in Arthritis and Rheumatology, and will be accompanied by an editorial commentary article in the same issue. Congratulations!
- 12/2018, Yaxi Li has successfully passed her PhD qualifying exam, congratulations!
- Zuan-Tao Lin has received a postdoc offer from Harvard Medical School, congratulations!
- 07/2018, Zuan-Tao Lin has passed his thesis defense on “Polymeric Signal Amplifiers in Biosensing” for PhD in Biomedical Engineering, congratulations!
- Xia Hong’s research paper on VEGFR3 published in Experimental Dermatology, Congratulations!
- Zuan-Tao Lin’s research paper on conductive polymeric nanowire biosensor was published in Advanced Functional Materials, congratulations!
- Zuan-Tao Lin won two university prizes: 2017 Graduate Research and Scholarship Projects (GRASP) publication 2nd prize; 2018 Graduate Travel Award to attend Materials Research Society (MRS) Annual Meeting at Phoenix, Arizona to present his research work.
- 07/2018, Jingyi Qiu successfully passed her thesis defense for master degree in Biomedical Engineering. Congratulations!
- Two undergraduate students Kathryn Haynes and Nancy Marmolejo Bustamante received 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) from the University to conduct research in our lab, $4,000 each during the summer of 2018. Congratulations! Former undergraduate interns Taylor E Hinchliffe and Carlo Torres also received SURF in 2016 and 2017, respectively. Also, undergraduate intern Yikun Xing received Provost Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PURS) in 2017.
- October 10, 2017 Yulin Yuan’s 3 papers were published in Methods in Molecular Biology – Springer. Congratulations!
- May 13, 2017 Zuan-Tao Lin’s paper was published in Advanced Materials entitled “Nanoparticle-Decorated Biomolecule-Responsive Polymer Enables Robust Signaling Cascade for Biosensing“. Congratulations! UH News
- May 31, 2016 Zuan-Tao Lin (a current PhD student, co-first author) and Gang-Biao Jiang (a former lab member) published a research article in ACS Nano: “A Hydrogel-Based Hybrid Theranostic Contact Lens for Fungal Keratitis“. Congratulations!